Jalaluddin Roomi Foundation brought a revolution in destitutes- Governor Punjab

Lahore, May 29, 2024...Khawaja Jalaluddin Roomi, a well-known industrialist cum philanthropist, former president of Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Multan, Dera Ghazi Khan, met Governor Punjab Sardar Saleem Haider Khan here today at Governor House Lahore. Khawaja Jalaluddin Roomi congratulated him on assuming the office of Governor of Punjab. Punjab Governor Sardar Saleem Haider Khan appreciated the social services of Jalaluddin Roomi for the cause of humanity. During the meeting, various issues including education and national economy were discussed. Governor appreciated the services of Jalauddin Roomi Foundation (JRF)like clean water in remoted areas of South Punjab and Sindh, Food and meal on regular basis for the porters and destitutes at Multan cantonment railway station.patronising the students for attaining higher education, besides helping in medicare in different areas of the Province..Governor said that well to do persons should follow Khawaja Jalaluddin Roomi who is serving the have-nots on regular basis. Governor also eulogized Jalaluddin Roomi's role during Covid-19 when he supplied imported protective material for medics and Para medics.

Speaking on the occasion, Governor Punjab Sardar Saleem Haider said that economic development in the country is the top priority of the federal and Punjab government. The Punjab Governor said that due to political stability in the country economic indicators including stock exchange is improving. He said that the government is determined to promote investment in the country and provide facilities to the industrial sector. Governor Punjab said that the promotion of industries will create employment opportunities and the economy will improve. He said that as chancellor, he has taken steps for the improvement of governance in the universities. He further said that search committees have been formed for the appointment of permanent vice-chancellors in universities. Governor Punjab expressed the hope that the permanent appointment of vice-chancellors and other statutory posts in the universities will improve quality of research and teaching in the universities .

 Khawaja Jalaluddin Roomi said that industrialists foster employment opportunities for a large population in the society. He said that the government needs to pay immediate attention to the problems confronted by the industrialists. . In addition to the reduction in electricity and gas rates, there is an urgent need to revise the markup rate of banks. Khawaja Jalaluddin Roomi said that his foundation) Jalaluddin Roomi foundation-JRF)  was providing clean water, daily food supply to the needy and other public health care facilities in South Punjab. He added that we need the patronage of the government. Khawaja Jalaluddin Rumi invited Governor Punjab, Sardar Saleem Haider Khan to visit South Punjab. Governor Punjab said that he will visit South Punjab soon.

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