UNICEF says 700,000 children in Sudan at risk of worst form of malnutrition

UNICEF said on Friday that 700,000 children in Sudan were likely to suffer from the worst form of malnutrition this year, with tens of thousands who could die. 13 children are dying in each hour.

A 10-month war in Sudan between its armed forces and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has devastated the country’s infrastructure, prompted warnings of famine and displaced millions of people inside and outside the country.
“The consequences of the past 300 days means that more than 700,000 children are likely to suffer from the deadliest form of malnutrition this year,” James Elder, spokesperson for UNICEF, told a press conference in Geneva.
“UNICEF won’t be able to treat more than 300,000 of those without improved access and without additional support. In that case, tens of thousands would likely die.”
Elder defined the most dangerous form of malnutrition as severe acute malnutrition, which makes a child 10 more likely to die from diseases such as cholera and malaria. He said 3.5 million children were projected to suffer acute malnutrition.
UNICEF provides “ready-to-use therapeutic food,” or RUTF, a life-saving food item that treats severe wasting in children under five years old, to Sudan.
UNICEF is appealing for $840 million to help just over 7.5 million children in Sudan this year, but Elder deplored the lack of funds collected in previous appeals.
“Despite the magnitude of needs, last year the funding UNICEF sought for nearly three-quarters of children in Sudan was not forthcoming,” Elder said.
The United Nations on Wednesday urged countries not to forget the civilians caught up in the war in Sudan, appealing for $4.1 billion to meet their humanitarian needs and support those who have fled to neighboring countries.
Half of Sudan’s population — around 25 million people — need humanitarian assistance and protection, while more than 1.5 million people have fled to the Central African Republic, Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia and South Sudan, according to the United Nations.
 Thirteen children are dying each day of severe malnutrition at the Zamzam camp in Sudan’s northern Darfur as a consequence of the 10-month war in their country, a medical charity said Monday.
The head of the UN refugee agency, meanwhile, warned that Europe may have to deal with a rise in the numbers of Sudanese refugees if a ceasefire agreement isn’t signed soon between Sudan’s warring sides and relief efforts aren’t strengthened.
One child is dying every two hours in the camp, according to Claire Nicolet, head of emergency response in Sudan for Doctors without Borders, or MSF.
“Those with severe malnutrition who have not yet died are at high risk of dying within three to six weeks if they do not get treatment,” Nicolet said.
MSF says that Zamzam, a camp of more than 300,000 people, was originally formed by people fleeing ethnically targeted violence in the region in 2003. However, since war broke out between Sudan’s military and paramilitary forces in April 2023, camp residents have been cut off from vital humanitarian aid and medical care, the group said in a statement.
UN agencies and international aid organizations evacuated North Darfur after the war began in April, and have maintained only a limited presence since then, MSF said.
“Now, they have been almost completely abandoned. There have been no food distributions from the World Food Program since May. People are going hungry — and children are dying as a result,” Nicolet said.
MSF said that it would rapidly increase the scale of assistance at the camp to provide treatment for children in the most critical condition. However, the scale of the disaster requires a far greater response than MSF can provide alone, the group said.
The head of the UN refugee agency said that without additional support, refugees from Sudan will attempt to make their way to Europe.
“The Europeans are always so worried about people coming across the Mediterranean. Well, I have a warning for them that if they don’t support more refugees coming out of Sudan, even displaced people inside Sudan, we will see onward movements of people toward Libya, Tunisia and across the Mediterranean,” UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said. ”There is no doubt.”
More than 9 million people are thought to be internally displaced in Sudan, and 1.5 million refugees have fled into neighboring countries in 10 months of clashes between the Sudanese military, led by Gen. Abdel Fattah Burhan, and the Rapid Support Forces, a powerful paramilitary group commanded by Gen. Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo.
The conflict erupted last April in the capital, Khartoum, and quickly spread to other areas of the country.
Grandi said several countries neighboring Sudan — Chad, Central African Republic, South Sudan and Ethiopia — have their own “fragilities” and will be unable to give refugees enough assistance.
He said that refugees will move further toward northern countries like Tunisia, where some have been documented planning to cross to Europe.
“When refugees go out and they don’t receive enough assistance, they go further,” Grandi said.
He said the war in Sudan is becoming fragmented, with a number of militias controlling areas.
“Militias have even less hesitation to perpetrate abuse on civilians,” he said, suggesting that it would create even more displacement.
Grandi also said conflicts in places like Sudan, Congo, Afghanistan and Myanmar shouldn’t be overlooked during the wars in Ukraine and Gaza.
“Gaza is a tragedy, it needs a lot of attention and resources, but it cannot be at the expense of another big crisis like Sudan,” he said.
Grandi spoke a day after visiting Sudan and Ethiopia, which is recovering from a two-year conflict in its northern Tigray region.
The United Nations says at least 12,000 people have been killed in Sudan’s conflict, although local doctors groups say the true toll is far higher.
Dagalo’s paramilitary forces appear to have had the upper hand over the past three months, with their fighters advancing to the east and north across Sudan’s central belt. Both sides have been accused of war crimes by rights groups.
Regional partners in Africa have been trying to mediate an end to the conflict, along with Saudi Arabia and the United States, which facilitated several rounds of unsuccessful, indirect talks between the warring parties. Burhan and Dagalo are yet to meet in person since the conflict began.
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