Bangladesh hangman (Jallad) who executed 46 walks out of prison

A hangman in Bangladesh, who earned the moniker “Jallad” for executing 46 convicts and war criminals, including the killers of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, walked out of a prison here on Sunday after serving more than three decades.

Shahjahan Bhuiyan, 74, was greeted by a posse of journalists as he exited the premises of Dhaka Central Jail. “I feel great,” he said. In 1991, Bhuiyan was sentenced to 42 years in prison on account of murder and charges of robbery. In 2001, he was entrusted the role of a hangman. Soon, he earned the nickname “Jallad” meaning executioner.

Bangladesh government commuted his sentence by two months for every execution he carried out, totalling four years and four months. Due to his good conduct in prison, he had around 10 years waived off his sentence.Shahjahan Bhuiyan faced an exclusive interview with risingbd at Dhaka Central Jail on Friday afternoon.   Taking to risingbd, Shahjahan said he had hanged 46 men including Kamaruzzaman of Jamaat Islami

Shahjahan hanged the Bangabandhu’s five killers-Bazll Huda, Artillery Muhiuddin, Syed Faruk Rahman, Sultan Shahriar Rashid Khan and Lancer Mohiddun Ahmed in 2010.

He also hanged militant leaders Siddiqul Islam Bangla Bhai, Ataur Rahman Sani, Abdul Awal, Khaled Saifulla and Iftekher Mamun in 2007.

His other executions include Hasan (convict in Daizy murder case) in 1997, notorious terrorist Ershad Shikder on May 10, 2004, and ASI Monul Huq, Abdus Sattar and Amirta Lal Barman(convicts in Yesmin murder case) in 2004.    

After passing HSC examination in 1974, Shahjahan joined Communist Party and became president of Narsingdi district unit of the party in 1977. During that time, he entered the crimes world after being depressed centering a punishment in a woman-related case at his village.

He also joined Bangladesh Army but lost his job for an absence of about 11 months at his work place.

Shahjahan was captured by the police in 1979 after he took part in an operation.  At least 36 cases were filed against him. In one case, he was awarded 143 years’ jail in 1988, but the higher court reduced it to 43 years in 1995.  In another case, he was awarded life term (30 years) imprisonment, he said.

Shahjahan will be released in 2035 when he will be 85 years. According to the rule, 64 days’ jail term is waived if a convict prisoner implements one execution. Shahjahan is trying to reduce his jail term through implementing executions, he told it to risingbd.

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