Kashmiris to mark 75th Accession to Pakistan Day tomorrow


All is set to observe 75th Kashmir’s Accession to Pakistan Day on July 19 by the people of Jammu and Kashmir, living on both sides of the Line of Control (LoC) and the rest of the world.

The day dawn with a renewal of the pledge to continue the struggle for the achievement of the right to self-determination and to translate the idea of accession of the entire Jammu Kashmir state to Pakistan under the spirit of the historic resolution passed this day in 1947.

Widescale programmes have been chalked out to observe Kashmir’s accession to Pakistan Day across Azad Jammu Kashmir, Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and in other parts of the world – where Kashmiris are living, to observe the historic day in order to strengthen and promote the ideology of accession of entire Jammu Kashmir state to Pakistan.

It will be a public holiday on this occasion to facilitate the masses to participate in the special programmes, an AJK government spokesperson confirmed to APP here on Monday.

July 19 is observed as Kashmir’s Accession to Pakistan Day by the Kashmiris living on either side of the line of control and in other parts of the world every year with the renewal of the pledge to continue the ongoing indigenous struggle for freedom of the occupied territory from the Indian subjugation.

It would also translate the idea of accession of the entire Jammu Kashmir state to Pakistan into reality under the spirit of the historic resolution passed on July 19 in 1947.

The people of Jammu Kashmir state launched the struggle under the spirit of the said resolution for the liberation of their motherland from the yoke of Dogra rule and later from the unlawful and forcible hold of Indian imperialism. This freedom struggle of Kashmiris is continuing with full vigour since over the last 75 years.

However, over the last 32 years, the liberation movement has attained momentum after the people of IIOJK stood up launching their indigenous struggle against the long subjugation over their motherland.

Special ceremonies will be hosted in all small and major towns and cities of Azad Jammu Kashmir during Kashmir’s Accession to Pakistan week to highlight the importance of the early implementation of the ideology of accession of Jammu Kashmir state to Pakistan.

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