Punjab approves 30pc increase in salaries of govt employees, pensions

The Punjab cabinet, chaired by Chief Minister Hamza Shehbaz, on Monday approved  a 30pc increase in the salaries of government employees with the government all set to table an Rs3.22 trillion budget for fiscal year 2022-23 later today.

During the cabinet meeting today, it was decided to follow the example of the federal government and merge all ad-hoc relief.

Similarly, the government will also provide a 15pc disparity allowance along with 15pc additional salary, which will be available to employees of certain government departments. The provincial cabinet also approved a 15pc hike in pensions against the proposed increase of 5pc.

In addition to approving the Annual Development Programme 2022-23, the meeting also approved the MoU for providing free medicines to cancer patients.

Addressing the meeting, Hamza Shahbaz said relief measures have been proposed in the budget to facilitate the people of the province.

“I always believe in consultation. The recent budget has been prepared in consultation with the political and administrative team,” he said while acknowledging the services of the officials who were part of the budget-making.

 Punjab Minister Sardar Awais Leghari to present tax-free budget | Rs680b allocated for ADP | Opp decides to launch full-scale offensive during budget speech | Speaker Ch Parvez Elahi not sure if House proceedings will be smooth


LAHORE   –   A stormy session of the Punjab Assembly begins at 2pm today as the new Punjab government presents its budget estimates for the fiscal year 2022-23 amid fears of a severe clash between the Opposition and the Treasury benches thereby reviving the bitter memories of the previous session.

Barring a six-minute long sitting held on May 22 which had dismissed a no-trust motion against Speaker Ch Parvez Elahi, it will be the first regular session of the Assembly following the chief minister’s election on April 16 in a sitting marred by violence and commotion.

Also, after the regime change in Punjab, this will be the first session in which the Opposition and the ruling parties will swap seats led by a new opposition leader and a new leader of the house. The PTI is expected to nominate its Opposition Leader and a Deputy Opposition Leader in a couple of days. Names of Mian Mahmoodur Rashid and Mian Aslam Iqbal are under consideration in this regard.

In the absence of a finance minister, Punjab Minister Sardar Awais Ahmad Khan Leghari will present the budget amid a likely rumpus to be created by the Opposition. The total outlay of the budget is expected to be Rs 3200 billion with a record Rs 680 billion allocated for the Annual Development Programme.

Finance Department officials say it will be a tax-free budget aimed at giving relief to the inflation-stricken people.

Punjab Chief Minister Hamza Shahbaz Sunday formally assigned the Assembly business of finance department to Sardar Awais Leghari. The Assembly business of the law department is most likely to be assigned to Mohammad Ahmad Khan, a PML-N MPA who is a lawyer by profession.

Meanwhile, Speaker Punjab Assembly Ch Parvez Elahi who will be presiding over the Assembly sitting specified for presentation of the annual budget is not sure if the House proceedings will be smooth. “There is a big question mark over tomorrow’s budget session. It all depends on the PML-N’s attitude. If the Assembly staff involved in fixing budget related issues and legislation is being harassed by police, then who will be running the Assembly business?”, he remarked while talking to the media here.

Also, a joint parliamentary party meeting of the PTI and the PML-Q held on Sunday decided to launch a full-scale offensive in the Assembly during the budget speech. Ch Parvez Elahi directed the members of the two parties to ensure attendance in the session to protest against the anti-people budget. “Opposition MPAs should move maximum cut motions against the budget so that a tough time can be given to the imported government”, he said.

Ch Parvez Elahi further said that the government was committing the worst acts of revenge.  “Punjab has become a police state.  It seems that the province is being run by IG Punjab Police and not by Hamza Shahbaz. In hindsight, it seems that IG has retained Hamza Shahbaz as his PA”, he remarked while addressing the parliamentary party meeting. He further stated that the matter of IG Police would come up in the privilege committee and he would be punished. “The IG Punjab would have to answer for the retaliatory actions”.

Also, it was decided in the meeting to table a resolution in the Punjab Assembly condemning the blasphemy of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) by the Indian government. Hafiz Ammar Yasir will present a resolution in the House on behalf of the Opposition.

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