Coronavirus casualties are increasing by leaps and bounds in the world

The number of novel coronavirus cases worldwide passed 2.4 million late Sunday, according to a running tally by US-based Johns Hopkins University.
The university's data showed the number of deaths has reached 165,044 while 623,911 have fully recovered. A total of 2,401,379 confirmed cases have been recorded worldwide.
The US continues to be the worst hit with the highest number of infections and deaths at more than 759,000 and nearly 41,000, respectively.
Italy has the second-highest death toll at 23,660 while Spain has the second highest number of cases at 198,674.
The virus has spread to 185 countries and regions since it first emerged in Wuhan, China in December.1,67,592 people have been died globally due to pandemic Corona virus while number of infected people increased to 24,40,528. More than 6,00,000 people completely recovered.
United states is on top in death which jumped to 41,575 while total infected people are 7,81,367 and 71,770 people recovered .
Italy has reported its first drop in the number of people currently suffering from the novel coronavirus since it recorded its first infection in February.
The civil protection service said 108,237 people were either being treated in hospital or were recovering at home after testing positive — down 20 from the total reported on Sunday.
France has officially registered more than 20,000 deaths from coronavirus infections, becoming the fourth country to go beyond that threshold after Italy, Spain and the United States, and the pace of increase of fatalities sped up again after several days of slowing.
But the number of people in intensive care fell for the 12th consecutive day, suggesting the national lockdown put in place more than a month ago is having positive effects in containing the disease.
France's public health chief Jerome Salomon told a news briefing the coronavirus-linked fatalities were up 2.8 per cent, at 20,265, versus an increase of 2.0pc on Sunday.
Iran's death toll rises to 5,209
The death toll from the coronavirus outbreak in Iran reached 5,209 with 91 deaths in the past 24 hours, Iranian health ministry spokesman Kianush Jahanpur said in a statement, Reuters reported.
181 people have so far been died of coronavirus in Pakistan.while number of infectees increased to 8648 while 2003 people recovered.
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