India has violated the UN resolution on Kashmir : Shah Mehmood Qureshi

Foreign Minister (FM) Shah Mehmood Qureshi has said India has done what we were fearing as revocation of article will further deteriorate situation in Occupied Kashmir.
Reacting to the abolition of the special status of Occupied Kashmir he said Monday India is playing a highly dangerous game.
India is under some delusion that it would suppress the matter, he said adding the decision of Modi Sarkar have placed Kashmiris all across the world under an extremely tense situation. India has reinvigorated Kashmir issue. Kashmir issue has become more complex than before.
He underlined India has violated UN promise and it can not alter the opinion of people of Kashmir through amendment.
He stated Pakistan wanted Kashmir issue should be sorted out through dialogue. India is backtracking from its pledges. President Trump had also offered to play the role of mediator.
He remarked political leadership of Occupied Kashmir has been arrested. The wave of freedom has been shifted to every Kashmir youth.
He held the impact of Indian move will be seen in Ladakh and Azad Kashmir. We have no doubt about it that India is going to do what. No one including UN will accept Indian amendments.
Qureshi said India is hell-bent upon bloodshed. Mir Waiz has already said that reaction will come if India takes some action.
He said that Nehru’s India is nowhere being seen now. The shape of secular India is changing. The RSS mindset is flourishing in India today. What was being feared, India has done that act.
He observed Indian opposition has been pushed to the wall.
India met failure in its designs to isolate Pakistan, he said. Pakistan is continuing its diplomatic efforts, he added.
Prime Minister Imran Khan wanted to move the issue towards resolution, he said adding India has forged unity in Kashmiris more than before.
“We have written a letter to UN Secretary-General in detail. Secretary-General OIC has also expressed his concern, he remarked.
He appealed that the entire Ummah should condemn Indian aggression in unison adding Pakistan nation stands shoulder to shoulder with Kashmiris.
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