Pakistan, Afghanistan agree to address trust deficit

Pakistan and Afghanistan on Thursday agreed to reduce the prevailing tensions and to uproot mistrust, Afghan Ambassador Omar Zakhilwal said.

Zakhilwal accompanied Afghan National Security Adviser Hanif Atmar to London for the talks.
Britain brokered the top brass negotiations at a time when relations between the two neighbours are at their lowest point.
The latest factor in the deteriorating relationship was a series of terrorist attacks in Pakistan over the last month in which over 100 people were killed.
“The Pak-Afghan meeting was hosted by the British government in London with the aim to discuss and agree on a mechanism for genuine cooperation to fight terrorism as well as agree to steps to improve the current tense bilateral relations and mutual trust has concluded positively,” Zakhilwal said.
He said in a statement that discussions were “substantive, constructive, forward-looking and resultful”.
“The success of this important meeting certainly will be judged by the common people of our two respective countries as to how this, in practical terms, responds to their aspiration for good neighbourly relations, peace and their well-being,” he added.
“We are positive that implementation of the mechanism we agreed upon can inject the needed trust and confidence for constructive, forward-looking state-to-state relations and cooperation,” he said.
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