Tens of thousands of people marched against Cameron

Tens of thousands of people marched through London on Saturday in protest against government spending cuts, with some activists demanding Prime Minister David Cameron’s resignation over his family’s offshore finances.
Demonstrators converged on Trafalgar Square calling for increased investment in the health service, housing, education and public sector pay, as well as action to stop the loss of thousands of steel workers’ jobs in Wales. “No ifs, no buts, no public sector cuts,” they chanted.
Some protesters also demanded Cameron quit following revelations that he had shares in an offshore fund set up by his late father, holding up banners saying “Ditch Dodgy Dave” and “Cameron Must Go — Tories Out!”.
“For somebody in that position, you have a duty of care to the people of the country to be very open, very transparent. Just because something is legal doesn’t always make it right,” protester Sarah Henney said.
The march was planned before Cameron’s family finances were revealed in the so-called Panama Papers, but organising group The People’s Assembly said it “proves that this is a government for the privileged few”.
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