COAS dismissed 12 military officers over corruption on Thursday, military sources said.

In an unprecedented move, Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif dismissed 12 military officers over corruption on Thursday, military sources said.
Five brigadiers, three colonels and a major general are among those dismissed by the army chief, South Punjab News reported.
There has been no official confirmation regarding the incident.
The development comes two days after the COAS said "across the board accountability is necessary for the solidarity, integrity and prosperity of Pakistan", adding that the war against terror cannot be won unless "the menace of corruption is uprooted".
Gen Raheel said "Pakistan’s Armed Forces will fully support every meaningful effort in that direction which would ensure a better future for our next generations."
The army chief's call for across-the-board accountability comes as Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is embroiled in the explosive Panama Papers which count his family among other global political elite with undeclared offshore assets.
Opposition leaders have demanded a probe into the scandal, with some calling for the PM to step down.
Quarters close to the PM’s Office say PM Nawaz is determined to have his three children cleared of accusations of money laundering and tax evasion in the aftermath of Panama Papers leak.

Analysts weigh in

Defence analyst Hassan Askari said the National Accountability Bureau (NAB), the Federal Investigation Agency and other agencies will be pressed to take similar action regarding bureaucracy.
The army chief's actions will have repercussions for civilian institutions and corrupt politicians under the microscope would be probed transparently.
Security analyst Talat Masood  said the Army chief has "set an example for politicians to follow" and the decision would "build pressure on politicians as well as the judiciary to root out corruption".
"This decision has come at a time when certain sections were apprehensive about the involvement of Pakistan Army in civilian matters," Masood."Accountability per se is not a political issue, but then the national conversation at the moment is about the excesses of elected leaders. Perhaps a better way to interject itself into that conversation would have been for the military to start the so-called across-the-board accountability process itself.
Surely in offering the military to greater financial scrutiny, a positive example would be set that politicians would be under legitimate pressure to follow.
Yet, where the military errs, the political class inflicts damage on itself — and the wider cause of democracy."
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