Pakistan can produce fruits of all type in abundance

Pakistan has an ideal climate for cultivation of a variety of fruits, which allow for an assortment of fruits to be cultivated throughout the tropical, sub-tropical and temperate zones of the country. According to Ministry of Agriculture, in FY18, the different varieties of fruits were cultivated on an area spanning more than 467,400 hectares with a total production amounting to an estimated 7,898,300 tons. The above-mentioned means of production helps meet not only requirement of the local markets, but also adds to its ever-increasing export levels. According to latest figures posted by State Bank of Pakistan, US$ 425 million worth of fruits were exported to the world, out of which US$ 19 million went to the UK. Pakistan is still an agrarian country at large, with a population of 220 million growing at a rapid growth rate of 2.4 percent (PES , 2019). Food Security and economic development of the country predominantly hinges upon the agriculture. Horticulture in Pakistan has emerged an important sector contributing a good 18.5 percent to the national agriculture GDP (PES, 2019) producing large number of horticultural products to fulfill domestic demand of fruit and vegetables for the rapidly expanding population as well as to cater the rising demand arising in potential export markets. Pakistan is a major producer of fruits and vegetables. More than 29 types of fruits are produced throughout the year. Production of citrus, mangoes, apples, melons, dates, guava, and apricot reflects strong domestic market demand for horticulture crops. The production of citrus fruits & mangoes peaked 2.40 and 1.73 million tons respectively (MNFSR, 2018), benefitting major export revenue earners. UK and Pakistan exchanged an estimated USD 2 billion worth of trade in FY19 (SBP, 2019) out of which 12.25 percent was based on fruits alone. It is important that this economic interchange be enhanced as the spillover shall undoubtedly play a critical role in uprooting the 39 percent people living below poverty line in Pakistan (PES, 2019). The rural sector is purely dependent on farming and the actualization of export potential to the UK market, shall shoot up fruit farming, and spur innovation in agro-industry. Moreover, the UK importers will benefit individually once the competitively priced range of products provided by Pakistan are compared with other choices. The upcoming section provides individual insight over the leading products from the range provided by Pakistan.
Mangoes are one of the world’s favorite fruits for food, juice, flavor, fragrance, and color. Mango is grown in slightly less than 90 tropical and subtropical countries in the world. Asia is considered homeland of the fruit as it produces three-fourth of world’s mangoes. Pakistan ranks the 4th largest mango-producing country in the world.
The texture of the Pakistani mangoes varies from a soft and pulpy shape, like an over-ripe plum, to a firmer version similar to a cantaloupe or avocado. Many of the world’s most popular varieties of mangoes for export – for example Chaunsa, Langra, Desi, Sindhu – preferred for their taste, texture and shelf life, are already being produced in Pakistan. With increasing investment in techniques to help extend the shelf life of mangoes, Pakistan is making them more viable for export. 
In 2019, Pakistan exported US$71 million worth of mangoes to the world which were the highest by far. The Chaunsa Mango is considered King Fruit and one of the most highly demanded.Originating from Pakistan, the Chaunsa mango of Pakistan is one of the most loved types of mangoes across the world. Pakistani Chaunsa, known to be the sweetest and most delicious Chaunsa all over Asia is an exceptionally succulent, fibrous and deliciously soft mango with an alluring fragrance.
The date is a primitive fruit known to early humans (Homo Sapiens) for 200,000 years but on earth, the fossils reveal that it dates back to some 50 million years! Its cultivation first began in South America and largely grows under scorching conditions in desert areas of Middle-East and Africa. 
Pakistan is  capable In 2019, Pakistan exported US$71 million worth of mangoes to the world which were the highest by far. The Chaunsa Mango is considered King Fruit and one of the most highly demanded.even in climate change of growing fruits easily and in abundance. Evidence for the growth of fruit and vegetables in the subcontinent has been provided from ancient times, citriculture is known from the Indus valley for some 4000 years. The climatic diversity is such that it allows cultivation of nearly all types of fruit- temperate, tropical and subtropical. Apple, apricot, cherry, peach, pear, plum, grape, strawberry and currant are temperate fruit; banana, mango, guava, papaya and tamarind are tropical fruit that cannot stand even light frost and date, fig, orange and pomegranates are subtropical fruit.
Because of high prices and low awareness among the poor, fruit consumption is less among urban and rural poor while the upper income group consumes fruit well above the average. The estimates of per capita consumption of fruit are about 33kg/year which is below the minimum level necessary for favourable basic nutritional value. A Gallup investigation in 2019 established that only 26% of the population consume fruit every day. This is much too less given the fact that fruit consumption supports bodily as well as the mental health of people. That is why the consumption of fruit has to be encouraged for its beneficial impact on public health.
Pakistan is the sixth largest producer of Kinnow (mandarin) and oranges in the world. Constituting 80% of the citrus fruit Kinnow and is a major export commodity exporting a record 370,000 tons amounting to $222 million in 2017 compared to 325,000 tons in 2016. Pakistan grows citrus fruit over an area of 206,569 hectares in all the four provinces with total production of around 2.5 million tons as per 2015-16 statistics. Punjab produces over 98% of the fruit mainly in Sargodha district because of its favourable growing conditions and adequate canal and sub-soil water. The application of modern techniques and traditional practices at all stages of growth and during the post-harvest phase adds value to the fruit which attracts premium prices and also increases exports fetching foreign exchange. The Citrus Research Institute in Sargodha is responsible for undertaking “research and development” work on kinnow and other citrus varieties, besides the Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (Parc). During recent years Pakistan has lost its foremost position in kinnow production because of diseases resulting in low yield, poor quality of fruit and the lack of international compatibility with the much liked seedless kinnow. Pakistan may lose even the existing export markets if challenges are not adequately and timely addressed.
Like other crops, the citrus is also attacked by a variety of insects, pests and diseases. Some of these insects, pests and diseases not only affect quality and quantity of the produce, but also hurt the plant life. In addition, Pakistani citrus orchards have a lower life cycle as compared to other citrus growing countries. There is no dedicated citrus breeding centre in the main growing area of Sargodha (which shows badly the work of kinnow research) and the nursery stock obtained from existing mother trees is weak, infested with diseases and is of inferior quality. Therefore, the orchards established with the help of such saplings are not good for getting higher yields and producing quality kinnow. Citrus growers in Sargodha have reported a poor outreach programme of the Agricultural Extension Department. Lack of awareness among the growers of selecting and planting quality saplings, lack of proper traditional practices like pruning, field operation, timely watering, disease control and other operations may lead to the loss of yield as well as quality output. There is a need to quickly initiate the development of improved varieties and for the purpose, Parc as well as the Citrus Research Institute Sargodha and provincial agriculture departments should join hands.
The fruit par excellence of the subcontinent. Pakistan produces over 150 varieties of mango. The soil and climatic conditions of Pakistan are highly suitable for mango cultivation. According to FAO production year book of 2001, Pakistan stands FIFTH among mango growing countries of the World. The area under mango crop has increased but the rise in production is comparatively slow. The main mango growing districts in the Punjab province are Multan, Bahawalpur, Muzzaffaragarh and Rahim Yar Khan. In the province of Sindh, it is mainly grown in Mirpur Khas, Hyderabad and Thatta, in the province of NWFP it is grown in Peshawar and Mardan. The climate of Sindh gets warmer about one month earlier than the Punjab which has given the province the privilege to grow early varieties of mango. Subsequently, a new trend of growing late varieties in Punjab has received a wide popularity which has extended the market period and added to the exportable surplus.
The production of mangoes rose in 2019 to 1.5 million tons, worth a reported $80 million, up from 1.3 million in 2018. Pakistan is the world’s sixth-largest exporter of the fruit. The Middle East remained the top export destination for Pakistani mangoes, accounting for over 70 percent of the share of total mango exports last year. The premium varieties like Chaunsa, Sindhri and Anwar Ratol were most liked in the Middle East, because of their special flavour and aroma.
A very nutritious, aromatic and delicious fruit, Apple. It is very rich in Vitamin C, B and A. It contains about 11% sugar besides essential minerals in appreciable amounts. It has colour appeal, appetite and is most refreshing. It can be used in many different ways. It is cooked, made into preserves, Jellies, candied, canned, prepared as fresh apple juice, made into cider or vinegar. The peel is used for making pectin. In spite of some serious pests and disease problem there is an increasing trend for bringing more area under apple because of better returns.
Apple grow in more temperate climate. That is why Baluchistan is the key contributor of Apple production while KPK with contributing 25 percent of national Apple growth stands on second number. For apple production, rain is the main element. If it does not rain, the tree would not provide the fruit that is why apple-producing areas are not plane lands but its gardens are located in mountain region. Apple productions in Baluchistan are increased due to scientific research-based farming implemented there. By using this research, Baluchistan’s apple is in high demand and in addition its per – acre production has also increased. There is a need of this type of research and implementations in other provinces too, especially in Swat where Apple production has decreased.
These examples of fruit produced in Pakistan have one feature in common: while climatic conditions are favourable for cultivation production results are in all varieties below average and in general sinking. There is an overall need for more research so as to enable orchards to produce more and defend the fruit from diseases that diminish yield and damage quality of fruit and plants. In order to achieve that policy outlines have to be developed and research institutions have to be supported so that improved results could be achieved. In that way fruit can be made a valuable export article and an even more needed addition to a balanced and healthy diet of Pakistani population.
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