Photos circulated on social media on Wednesday showing a man with Pakistani currency. This perfectly exposed the working of Indian consulates and their operations in Spinboldak area closer to Pak-Afghan border. Three billion Pakistani rupees were found stashed in compound of an Afghan NDS colonel. Behind the compound there was the Indian consulate in Kandahar which was vacated abruptly by Indians on C-17 planes.
This money was used to fund terrorist organisations like TTP, JuA and HuA linked with RAW. Currency was also used for funding sub-nationalist groups to undertake sabotage activities and hit national unity inside Pakistan.
Indian consulates are notorious for funding and patronizing terrorists and have proven nexus with Afghan NDS. Money was being used for buying arms and ammunition to be used by TTP and other foreign funded terrorists.
In addition to the money, TTP and other terrorists have been provided ammunition by Indo-NDS nexus. Recent pictures of Indian C-17 planes in Kandahar substantiate it.
It is evident that Pakistani currency can only be used inside and against Pakistan, not in Afghanistan. Hence proving the RAW-NDS nexus to patronize terror activities inside Pakistan.
This also reaffirms Pakistan’s “Indian Dossier” that clearly mentioned the names of Indian diplomats and RAW officials involved in financing and supporting terrorism inside Pakistan.
RAW and NDS officials have been hands in gloves to sabotage peace and stability in Pakistan. The recent developments in Afghanistan have exposed the TTP-NDS-RAW nexus.
It is about time that India must be put on terror financing watch list. International community can no longer turn a blind eye to terror financing by RAW and NDS. Investigation is underway to probe the ways in which the currency was used against Pakistan.