At least 14 people, including women and children, drowned as a boat capsized in Indus River near Matiari district in Sindh on Saturday, Media reported. Police confirmed the incident and added that six bodies had been fished out so far by the rescue teams. Search for the others was continued in the area, said the police and added that the cause of the incident could not be ascertained yet. Rescue officials shifted the bodies to the hospital for identification and medico-legal requirements. Sources said that volunteers from nearby areas were also rushed to the place and took part in rescue and search operation.At least six people were drowned to death after a ferry overturned in Indus River near Sindh's Matiari district on Saturday, local officials said.The boat carrying 14 passengers was en route to Jamshoro from Matiari, Deputy Commissioner Fareed Uddin said.He said bodies of six passengers had been retrieved, while search was ongoing for the rest. The official said the deceased included four women and two men.On the other hand, senior superintendent of police (SSP) Matiari said those aboard the ferry also included children.