MULTAN, Regional Head of National Bank of Pakistan, Multan Nasir Abbas said that NBP 's President has undertaken major organizational and structural reforms aimed towards promoting service quality, business growth, empowerment of field functionaries for improved turnaround time, and addressing the challenges posed by the banking industry, witnessing a gradual shift from the brick and mortar concept to branchless banking. Delivering his speech at an iftar-dinner hosted in ther honour of Pakistan Cotton Ginners Association (PCGA) Nasir Abbas disclosed the NPB had modified and relaxed its credit policy to attract the small and medium entrepreneurs like ginners and it was facilitating the people.He said that NBP being the Nation’s Bank considers provision of banking services to the masses (even to the remotest areas) among its primary objectives. To materialize this objective and to promote State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) vision for financial inclusion, the bank recently established a separate group for Payment Services and Digital Banking. This initiative will facilitate NBP to have a more focused approach towards digitization for providing better quality and efficient services for G2P & P2G Payments; customer ease and convenience; and to reduce operational cost translating into increase profitability and value creation for stakeholders. PCGA Chairman Haji Muhammad Akram hailed the steps taken by the NBP management to attract the ginners and he assured that ginners would cooperate with the national entity. It is our own bank which had contributed a lot in Past to strengthen the small and medium businesses. He said that majority of PCGA member is already doing business with the National bank and he hoped that other member would prefer NBP in future. Ex-Chairman of PCGA Shehzad Ali Khan also eulogized the services of NBP and said that the future of banking is in innovation, digitization, and branchless banking through the alternate delivery channels, thereby providing cost effective solution to the masses. In view of this the bank should plan to strengthen its alternate delivery channel like mobile banking, internet banking, card services and partnering with telecos so as to bank the unbanked segment of the populace thereby promoting financial inclusion. Suhail Mehmood Haral of PCGA said that the bank must consider its customers as assets and should works on the philosophy of Happy Customer – your Success. To promote this inherent value and belief and to strengthen the service culture ,bank should serve its customer better.The iftar dinner was also attended by Hamid Raza Khan (Regional Head credit)Sa'il Abbas (Regional Executive Business)Khalid Hanif Lodhi, Malik Aqueel-ur-rehman Bhutta,Khawaja Muhammad Azam, Khawaja Muhammad Asghar,Khawaja Abdul Ghaffar, Ch.Khalid Bashir, Malik Talat Suhail, Malik Altaf Ahmed, Malik SHaeel Ahmed,Malik Arshad, Umair Ali Khan and Secretary General Asif Khalil.