Larkana police on Monday nabbed an alleged fraudster while he was making a transaction in some other person’s account through an automated teller machine (ATM) in the Lahori Mohallah area.The incidents of cyber crimes are growing rapidly in Karachi, Hyderabad, Sukkur,Multan, Rahimyarkhan,Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore and other cities
SHO Sartaj Jagirani of the Market police station said that Anis Abro was nabbed after a several-day-long hunt for him. He was nominated in two cases of the same crime registered against him at this police station, he said.
Abro originally belongs to Shikarpur but he currently lives in the Muradwahan locality of Larkana, according to the police officer.
Narrating the suspect’s modus operandi, police sources said that he used to roam around ATM kiosks of various banks and offer help to anyone who seemed to be having trouble in using his/her card.
During the course of his ‘assistance’, he would note down the password used by the person and skilfully replace the card with a fake one.
Then he would use the card to withdraw money from the cheated person’s account.
The sources claimed that Abro had already cheated such people in Larkana, Khairpur, Sukkur, Dadu, Kandhkot-Kashmore and other districts to withdraw an estimated Rs12.5 million.
In Larkana alone, Abro had so far fraudulently withdrawn around Rs2.5 million, they said.
Federal regulators in United States just alerted banks across the country of a very dangerous new skill ATM hackers have picked up. They can trick ATMs into spitting out unlimited amounts of cash, regardless of the customer's balance. Not only that, but also schedule the illicit withdrawals for holidays and weekends, when the ATMs are extra flush.
We've heard of crazy ATM hackers before, but this really takes the cake. It's a triple threat, really. The ability to skirt around daily ATM withdrawal limits is bad enough, since the hackers isn't limited to $500 or whatever the limit is on any single account. But the fact that the hackers can now extract more than what's in a customers account combined with the scheduling method means that any given ATM theft could now be an all out heist. That's why the Secret Service is calling this strategy Unlimited Operations.