Muslim family raises, marries son as per Hindu traditions

Giving away a strong message of love, peace and tolerance, a Muslim family residing in India married off its adopted Hindu son in the most traditional Hindu way.
Following all Hindu traditions and customs, the wedding took place as per Hindu rituals.
According to sources, the family had embraced orphan Hindu boy Rakesh at the age of 12 and raised him as its own.
However, being born a Hindu, he was allowed to practice his religion with utmost liberty, without ever being forced to convert to Islam.
Rakesh said, "I celebrate Holi, Diwali and all other festivals in the same house, they loved me & supported me in everything including my marriage."
He added, “No one ever prohibited my way of worshipping," Rakesh stated.
Setting an example of humanity by breaking the typical norms, Moinuddin and Kausar received with love their Hindu daughter-in-law with happiness and zeal.
The unique wedding ceremony was commemorated by everyone fondly.
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