Multan Police have recovered two teenage girls Shiza-13 and Alisha 12 from Muzaffarabad (AJK).A bus driver informed the Police on phone that two teenage girls were going to Muzaffarabad alongwith a lady who mysteriously disappeared on the way.A police party was sent to Muzaffarabad to bring them back to Multan. People of the area staged a demonstration against the disappearance of two girls when they were going to the home of their relatives
The residents of Old Shujabad road took to the streets and raised slogans to protest police inefficiency in recovering Shiza, 13, and Alisha, 12 from the kidnappers’ custody, South Punjab News reported.
The two girls were abducted from Old Shujaabad road as they were en route to the house of the family’s relative.
The affected family has reported the incident with the police have not began investigating the case, nor assisting the former. Their parents have said that Shiza is a student of ninth grade. The incident has affected them severely, especially the mother of the girls.
An incident of abduction and rape of Zainab in Kasur shook Pakistan, with calls to nab the culprits of child molestation and bring such incidents to a halt.