MULTAN, Dec 16th: Former Chief MInister of Balochistan Dr.Abdul Malik has said that Balochistan was in a state of war for the last 30 years due to the ill-advised policies of rulers ,interference of Afghanistan and India and regional conflict. He was talking to mediamen at the lunch hosted by Allah Nawaz Khan Durrani in the honour of leaders of National Party. Dr. Abdul Malik said that our 50 workers have so far been killed and our office was attacked in Turbat .He said that conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia was also affecting the Balochistan. Destabilisation of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria and other countries of Muslim world had badly hit the peace and tranquility and promoted the terrorism and other crimes. He further said that disintegration of Soviet Union had broken the back of leftist groups in Pakistan which were preaching and promoting Communism and Socialism, in Pakistan. Corporate economy had strengthened the capitalism and aristocracy. Now Democracy was also became dearer. Every election needs millions of rupees,which a common or mediocre cannot afford. He stressed the need for promotion of liberalisation and discouraging the extremism. He said that there was no justification for distribution of funds based on population and funds must be divided based on area, poverty,backwardness.About Balochistan Government’s achievements Abdul Malik Baloch said that in the past political workers were kidnapped and later they were dumped but now this problem is solved to some extent. Kidnapping, Target killing, ransom were also controlled. Roads, Highways were safe for travel. Dr.Malik said that what a pity that there was no gas for the people of Sui while entire country was enjoying this facility. Quetta itself got gas after 30 years. Talking about CPEC ,Dr.Malik said that it would not be a game changer for people of Balochistan and there was no hope of changing their destiny. He said that profit of CPEC would go to China 91 percent and remaining nine percent would go to Federal Government. Balochistan would be a empty handed spectator. Dr.Malik said that all institutions wre non-functional when he took charge as Chief Minister of Balochistan and we had set our priorities i.e Restoration of law & order, combatting the kidnapping for ransom, suicidal attacks, Health, Education and provision of jobs.He claimed that he had established six universities and three medical colleges in Balochistan and provided admission purely on merit. Dr.Malik said that 20 Punjabis were murdred in his village and he personally joined their funrals. Everyone expressed his grief and sorrow on their death. some other elements were behind this tragedy.Chief Minister Abdul Malik Balouch said Ferrari Camps and Sepatrist School of Thought exists who often spreads this notion that Baluch nation cannot Co-exist with Pakistan. While we are working to control missing persons issue but exact number of missing persons is not known so far. Malick baloch said that in 1973 Army operation created huge problems in Baluchistan while Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto took few wrong steps regarding Baluchistan.Talib Hussain General Secretary of National Party Punjab, Taj Muhammad Sauz Advocate,Muhammad Ayyub Mughal, Nazir Ahmed Awan(Khushab),Babu Nafees Ahmed Ansari Ex-MPA and Allah Nawaz Khan Durrani were also present there.