Paraphenylenediamine- 15,678 people mostly women have so far been died

MULTAN, At least 15,678 people mostly women have so far been died in Pakistan during the period of a year after taking the black stone (Kala Pathar) known by its chemical name of Paraphenylenediamine – is widely used in permanent hair dyes.Deaths from poisoning through Kala Pathar are on the rise in South Punjab particularly in rural areas,said Strengthening Participatory Organization (SPO)s Programme specialist Amjad Baloch while talking to mediamen.Civil Society Multan and Awaz district forum jointly organised a demonstration under the leadership of Shehzad Murtaza Langah,Aasia Rafiq and Amjad Baloch to press the Government for imposition of ban on the sale and storage of black Pathar. Dr.Abdul Rehman Qureshi Medical Superintendent of Nishtar Hospital Multan  said that 384 women committed suicide in Southern Punjab  by taking  Paraphenylenediamine .However,we have saved the life of more than a dozen women who reached at hospital immediately.Dr Aamir Bokhari, director of accident and emergency ward at Bahawal Victoria Hospital (BVH)Bahawalpur, said such cases were reported in the ward almost daily with many of the patients succumbing to the poison. He said that more than 150 patients mostly women have so far been died in 2017  out of those who were taken to BV hospital. He said that last year total 703 patients were taken to emergency ward,Mostly of them had died .Dr. Amjad Chandio Director Accidents and Emergency ward of NHS Multan said that the chemical was inexpensive and could cause accidental, suicidal or homicidal death. Extensive damage to mouth, throat and stomach was possible as the outcome depended on the extent of harm. He said the damage could continue to occur to the esophagus and stomach for several weeks after the poison was swallowed or administered to someone for poisoning. He suggested that quicker and urgent medical aid could lead to chances of recovery.Dr.Chandio said that the increasing trend of Kala Pathar poisoning among youths in south Punjab had created an alarming situation. Patients affected by the chemical usually died of renal failure, multi-organ failure and cardiogenic shocks. The sale of this chemical should be checked to ensure it was not used for suicidal or homicidal purposes and the government.Jawad Amin and Abdul Mutlib of Civil Society Multan said that  District Magistrate Multan should impose ban on the sale and stock of black stone Paraphenylene diamine (PPD).Deputy Commissioner Dera Ghazi Khan has already imposed ban under section 144 Cr.P.C.The sale of paraphenylene diamaie (PPD), also known as ‘kala pathar’, has been banned in Dera Ghazi Khan keeping in view the increase in cases of suicide. Commissioner DG Khan Muhammad Yasrib visited the Teaching Hospital where three patients who consumed kala pathar were being treated. The kala pathar is used in hair dyes and sold at a cost of Rs10 and used by people in frustration to commit suicide. Deputy Commissioner Multan Nadir Chattha said that sale of  Paraphenylenediamine  cannot be banned however its sale was restricted and shopkeepers were asked to maintain record of buyers.
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