MULTAN, Sept 15th: Mian Mughis'A Sheikh, Ex-President of Multan Chamber has said that the economic and political stability are necessary for peace as well as foreign investment in the country. He was addressing at a "Amn-Mushaira"at Multan Chamber of Commerce & Industry(MCCI) here today.He said that economic stability would help in minimising the unemployment ,poverty and deprivation and bringing prosperity and happiness in the country. Mughis'A Sheikh said that peace and security was a major challenge facing by the country. He said that we are the people of strong nerves and capable to face all odds. Day was not far off when it would be a land of peace ,progress, prosperity. Major Political parties should play their due role for establishment of peace and political stability for development of economy in the country," he said.He said that 220 million people should unite and join hands with the military to get rid of terrorism in the country.Mughis'A Sheikh said that poets, intellectuals ,scholars and writers can play their role in country's development and maintaining peace.He said that there is need to focus on rules of law, social justice and reduction of poverty which are relating to social reforms, population, health and education and social welfare.He praised the services of poets of south Punjab who peached the message of peace, tolerance,harmony and brotherhood. Renowned Poet & Educationist Prof.Dr.Aslam Ansari said that justice,equity and balance in society was necessary to maintain peace ,tranquility and calmness. Expressing his grief and sorrow on atrocities ,excession and tyranny on the Muslims of Palestine, Myanmar, Kashmir, and India, Ansari said that they are facing injustice, insecurity,inhuman behaviour and deprivations. He said that all international institutions, organisations and big powers were lip-tightened on the injustice. Mirza Ali Ahmed,Ex- Vice Prwesident of MCCI, Prof.Anwar Jamal, Razi-uddin Razi said that literary programmes like "Amn Mushaira" were source of peace, harmony, tolerance in the society such programme must continue on reglar basis. Khurram Javed Butt Secretary General eulogized the services of poets for the nation and country.He said that Pakistan would continue to work for a peace so that it is not distracted from its development goals.The prominent poets of south punjab who recited their poems on peace include Prof.Dr.Aslam Ansari, Prof. Muhammad Amin , Prof Anwar Jamal, Mumtaz Athar,Razi-uddin Razi, Shozab Kazmi, Rizwana Tabassum Durrani,Maqbool Gilani, Waseem Mumtaz Advocate,Rehbar Samadani,Tufail Baloch,Ash'ar Hassan,Shiraz Ghafoor, Adnan Asif,Abbas Malik, Ahmed Masud Qureshi, Sabir Ansari and Abbas Malik.