Three people belonging to the Shia community were gunned downed in the Dera Ismail Khan district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on Sunday, said police. Thevictimswere identied as Saqlain Hussain son of MukhtarAli, Ali Raza son of Bashir Hussain, andJamil S/O Ramzan Ali
The incident took place in the jurisdiction of Paroa police station.
"Initial investigations suggest that the incident was the result of an old enmity but the case's nature could change after investigation," said a police official.
The relatives of the deceased blocked the Indus Highway following the incident and claimed the killings were sectarian in nature.
The protesters dispersed after successful negotiations with government officials.Shia leaders say, "Target killing in Dera Ismail Khan is getting out of control, once again, three people have been killed by the terrorists in last 24hrs,"